world trade

World trade

 Reasons to Oppose the World Trade Organization.

The WTO only serves the interests of multinational corporations

1. The WTO is as democratic as its member governments and between the members it is ultra-democratic because decisions are taken by consensus — all members have to be persuaded.
2. No one else has access to the negotiations ,the rules are written by member governments.
How they do that is up to them and their citizens. Governments regularly cite pressure from consumer, environmental, human rights and labor organizations, as well as business.However, governments, which are elected democratically by their citizens, do take into account the views of various groups in their societies.The structure of negotiations also helps governments strike a more equitable balance between various interest groups over a broad range of issues.
Agreements are approved by all national parliaments and Before they take effect, WTO rules.
The world trade center
  3. An immense amount of information is available to the public.
The vast majority of official documents are published immediately. Even then for a maximum of about six months and Few remain restricted.The WTO website currently contains over 60,000 official documents available for the public in the three official languages (English, French and Spanish). Some 200,000 visitors per month make use of the website. They download the equivalent of 80 million pages each month and browse other material explaining WTO affairs.
Telephone enquiringly per week — around 150 per week coming through the main mailbox and the Secretariat receives thousands of email. It replies to them all.
Press officers brief journalists almost daily to keep them informed of any developments in the discussions among governments.

   The WTO is a stacked court

The WTO's dispute settlements procedures were agreed by all member governments. They were not imposed on anyone.
1. In the minority of cases (15 out of almost 200 cases) when the two sides cannot agree, the WTO director-general selects the panelists. All three panelists are normally agreed by both sides in a dispute
2. Without these independent panels, countries could be tempted to settle trade conflict by force. Dispute panels rule on whether countries break agreements they have made with each other in the WTO — not on “whether domestic laws are barriers to trade
3. The US was not required to repeal its law. Instead, Washington negotiated treaties with relevant trading partners.